
yesterday I shot hoops for an hour and half so that was really relaxing and haha I can feel slight arm muscles starting to form.

I got out of class at 10 and now its a super long weekend until wednesday! crazy. hopefully I'll find other people who stayed up here in the nothingness of Rexburg and make friends. I do have a TON of homework to do so thatll consume a lot of time. And its gorgeous out so ill cruise around on my bike some. Too bad dads not going to be in utah anymore or id have caught a ride down and seen him, oh well. I'll be down there next weekend for Neko Case- im sooooo excited!

So in my leadership class our homework assignment is to run the bleechers twice, ahhhh. and he said each set should take 4 minutes. oy!

Oh, i bet ill have time to play bananagrams this weekend! hooray. and set and all sorts of games. thats exciting. So i've been flying kites with Kelli everynight when the sun goes down. We lay in the grassy field and just fly them for an hour or so as a wind down for the day. It was fun because we would swoop down and try to cut each others string with our kite and actually succeeded twice, mad skills.

In meditation we learnt about this concept of SHENPA and its really neat. shenpa is when something consumes you and you obsess and freak and the natural human instinct is angst and be nervous and fearful and upset. Instead we should just step back and breathe and even meditate a minute to calm down and look at the situation and instead of jumping right to angst about the situation to realize there isnt much of anything we can do and to let the light of christ work in us and overcome the urge to panic and worry and have shenpa.

My plan for the weekend is to find a barbque to attend on monday.

I am jealous of all you back home who get to see all the motorcycles everywhere for Rolling Thunder. And of everyone who's going to the free wolf trap memorial day concert.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everybody!


Well its been a stress filled week but i'm holding on. I was informed today that there is a tunnel system under the sidewalks and you can get into it through a room in the basement of one of the buildings. I cant wait to explore!

And something else cool, I was walking through the parking lot after checking on my mission papers from the health center and this guy was walking too and holding a box of pizza and gave me a slice of his pepperoni pizza! it was awesome and inspired.

Oh! and in my D+C class I did a little powerpoint presentation on the phrase 'song of the righteous' and talked about music and worshiping through music. So the exciting part is, I played my harmonica in front of the class. I played sweet hour of prayer and it was pretty cool. I know because people told me, haha.

AND i had a study session for my program mgmt class and the only other person who showed up was this cute witty guy. It was fun.

I took my first physiology exam and got a B! an 86, solid.

Asside from massive wind storms, up to 60 mph and our power getting knocked out, nothing much is happening. and haha obviously its back on now...

and we've been having a desperate housewives marathon -my roommate has all 4 seasons!